How to Answer Interview Questions - Keys for Success

If you've landed the interview that you've been hoping for, then you've already cleared the first hurdle towards employment. But while your resume has brought you this far, you're going to need to rely on your communication skills and knowledge to have a great interview.

The days leading up to your interview can be stressful as you try to plan out just what to say when you sit down with the interviewer. But if you understand the basics of how to answer interview questions as well as the best responses for some of the most common ones, you really have nothing to worry about.

Here are three quick tips to help you create that strong impression during your interview.

Tip #1 - The first thing to keep in mind when trying to understand how to answer interview questions is simply to be confident. If you stammer, mumble, don't make eye contact, and otherwise project a lack of confidence then it really doesn't matter how you answer any question - you've already defeated yourself. Be sure that you don't chew over each question for several minutes, either. Companies are looking for quick thinkers who possess the skills needed to solve problems at the drop of a hat. Answer quickly and confidently, and you'll be sure to make a great impression.

Tip #2 - Another thing to keep in mind when planning out how to answer interview questions is that your experience must come into play. Don't hesitate to cite examples from previous jobs or from your education background that apply to the question being asked.

Tip #3 - Finally, never badmouth a previous employer, even if you're asked to describe the worst boss you've ever had. It's almost a trick question and is best answered with a simple explanation along the lines of "None of my bosses have been terrible, but I've learned more from some than I have from others." Nobody wants to hire someone who spends five minutes complaining about a boss they've had in the past.

There are countless questions that you may be asked in an interview, so many that it's really impossible to guess which ones you'll be faced with. Instead, you should realize that the key to how to answer interview questions lies more in your attitude than in your answers.

Confidence, creativity, and a positive attitude are more often than not exactly what employers are on the lookout for and as long as you can answer your interview questions with these factors in mind you should have nothing to worry about in the least.